Editorial illustrations - Personal Project
Breathe is the original mindfulness magazine for a calmer and more relaxed you. This body-and-soul guide to a happier, healthier life includes 5 sections – wellbeing, living, mindfulness, creativity and escape – with the aim to “make more time for yourself”.
Each issue includes beautiful illustrations, craft projects, and inspiring features such as how to achieve relief from stress, increase resilience and find greater happiness.
In this brief I created a series of three spot illustrations and a full page for the issue of Breathe magazine for the article 'Personal Clock: When you eat might just be as important as what you eat. Here's how to time it right for you.' written by nutritionist and coach Elizabeth Bennett (thebespokenutritioncoach.co.uk), a concept rooted in the idea of eating in line with your body's circadian rhythm.
*This is a mock brief. The project has not been commissioned and is in no way affiliated with Breathe Magazine.